Dishonest Dealers

Paul S. Larudee
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 08:16:02 -0800

Robert Goodale wrote:
> The owner is pretty
> darn good at getting around the law, (sort of an amateur law expert- and very good at it), and typically is able to tie
> up and drag out any accusations so that it becomes more trouble than it is worth to pursue.  Since there is no longer a
> German Ibach there is no authoritative company to report it to.

It should not be necessary to file a civil suit against what is a
criminal act.  Just report it to the District Attorney (Consumer Fraud
Division).  As you say, individuals may not have the resources to pursue
the case, but the District Attorney surely does.  However, it would be
good to have at least some clear evidence to show, and not just

Paul S. Larudee, RPT
Richmond, CA

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