I am very relieved to hear you are OK! (Report from Venezuela)

Thomas Sheehan t.sheehan@worldnet.att.net
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 19:48:36 -0500

Dear Elian,

I have been following the reports from Ven. closely. I am very grateful that
you are OK, and I thank you for your complete and observant report. It is a
very important description that you have produced. For those of us who have
been there, it is heartbreaking to think of the destruction and loss of life
that is occurring.

My fervent prayer is that you will continue to be safe, along with your
family, and that your business (and Venezuela) will recover in as short a
time as possible. Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you
from New York.


Tom Sheehan

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