bandsaw recommendation

Ron Nossaman nossaman@SOUTHWIND.NET
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 20:16:40 -0600

Hi Gang,
I've been out in the shop ripping what seems like miles of maple into
strips, and find I've got a problem. Judging from the slop in the lower
wheel bearings in my old Sears 12" bandsaw, I'm quickly coming up on making
a decision to just replace the bearings and put up with it for another
twenty years, or replace the saw altogether with something of better
quality in the first place. Since I know about what to expect with the
bearing replacement (come to think of it, I remember having done this once
already), I'm looking for recommendations for a replacement saw. So far, I
haven't been able to talk my retired industrial arts teacher/semi-retired
piano technician friend out of his old Oliver (which I'd cheerfully
rebuild), so I'll probably be shopping soon. What's the consensus out there
for a good solid general purpose bandsaw?


Ron N

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