bandsaw recommendation

Sun, 19 Dec 1999 22:31:32 EST

In a message dated 12/19/1999 8:19:44 PM, Ron wrote:

<<friend out of his *old Oliver* (which I'd cheerfully
rebuild), so I'll probably be shopping soon. What's the consensus out there
for a good solid general purpose bandsaw?>>


   General purpose band saw?....................... There ain't none :-)
Band saws only do one thing...they cut things!!!  Some do a better job of 
"accurate" cutting than others and some do a better job of resawing than do 
others..but this has more to do with the blade than the 'saw' per se.

Features to look for in a band saw: good blade traveling, quiet running, good 
blade guide setup, blade sizes capacity/changability, easily adjustable 
table, deep throat, safety switch, etc.

 If your Sears saw has served you well enough to have rebulit/rebearing it 
once what is wrong with doing it again?  After all you have admitted that the 
*Oliver* object of your lust might need to be rebuilt.

  Grizzly Tools sells several models of band saws and although they require 
some setup and truing (just like some of the "quality" pianos :) they will 
serve you well and are reasonable in cost. Grizzly makes 'most' of the lower 
cost models of Delta/Sears/Black and Decker/Rigid lines anyway.  If you want 
to go into bigger bucks the sky is the limit and Jet has a great, but very 
pricey, line of saws.
Check out their web site --  -- This will 
give you an idea of what they have and some features that you want to look 

Some suggestions though :-)
Jim Bryant (FL)

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