Honest people

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 06:37:11 -0500


I can also recall only two bounced checks, and that in almost twenty years of
business (twelve of those were part-time).  In both cases there was a
"situation," and I got my money promptly after phoning the clients.  To date I
have lost less than $150 to two clients who refused to pay.

I was a high school music teacher for seventeen years.  I always felt that my
students caused much less trouble than the general student population.  I'm quite
certain there is a direct correlation between involvement with music and
trustworthiness or good character or whatever, but I've never seen research done
on the subject.  I'm not sure what useful purpose it would serve anyway.

Clyde Hollinger, RPT
Lititz, PA, USA


> The piano industry indeed is one of the best to be associated with. I could
> go on and on, but to this date I have only 2 bounced checks from customers in
> 20 years of business.  In fact, I believe piano owners are the best customers
> to be associated with.

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