Honest people

Ron Nossaman nossaman@SOUTHWIND.NET
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 09:03:30 -0600

> Do clients feel more responsibility to pay a piano technician who
>comes into their home, pets their dog, and maybe even sits at the kitchen
>for a 5-minute chat about this and that, than they feel toward a company 
>that in
>their mind is a non-personal entity?  If they don't pay a self-employed piano
>technician, they know it will hurt him/her.  If they don't pay a company, they
>may think, "Ah, well, they figure bad debts into their budget anyway."

I've always thought this was part of the reason. The other part, from the
customers' perspective, being that the tech has been in my house and "KNOWS
WHERE I LIVE"! I'm afraid that an awful lot of what makes us all
(collectively) do the "right" thing is an underlying fear of the
consequences. All high minded sentiments to the contrary, a lock is still
to keep an honest man honest, laws define minimum standards of conduct and
provide punishment for offenders, and religion wouldn't keep anyone under
control if it didn't include the threat of a Hell of some sort.

Ron N

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