Coast-to-Coast Transport of Grand in Winter

Patrick Baum
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 14:36:03 -0500


I am trying to make a distinction between unwarranted fear and relevant
precaution around the issue of the transporting of my customer's recently
restored piano from Houston, TX to Long Island, NY, scheduled to take place
in the next few weeks.

This is a Grotrian-Steinweg (~1909) 7feet 10in grand, structurally solid,
being moved by Keyboard Carriage.  The refinishing was completed 6 months
ago, all else completed three weeks ago.

I have been told of a rebuilt Steinway grand moved to Colorado (much drier)
during winter that upon arrival showed rib separation and finish damage,
apparently from low temperatures and low humidity encountered in the truck
in transit.

Now, this piano is going east.  Assuming safe handling, do winter
conditions pose greater risk for structural failure than a spring-time or
summer move?

My experience is lacking here and I welcome your experiences and possible
guidelines for proceeding as I want to properly advise my customer.

Thanks all.


Patrick Baum, RPT
Harpsichord and Piano Tuning Service
1945 West Lamar
Houston, Texas 77019
tel:  713.523.0190

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