Hohner Clavinet E7

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 18:30:35 -0500


I hope someone knows something about this thing.  I was asked to look at
an electric keyboard at a church today.  It is called a Hohner Clavinet
model E7, and it's built into a nice hefty travel case.  When I called
just now to tell the church musician I thought it sounded awful and
should be discarded, he told me that if you take the back off, it has
tunable strings inside.

So I have a couple questions.  Has anyone encountered such an animal?
Does it really have strings in there?  It just looks like an electric
piano to me.  Can I use an ordinary tuning hammer or do I need some
special gizmo?  He said some of the notes stick.  Any idea what might
cause that?  Any and all help will be appreciated.  Thanks!

Clyde Hollinger

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