
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 21:00:49 -0200

I use a 3/4" Delta blade from a local discount store to resaw old sb planks in
half. A piece of delegnit and a poor sawyer broke my $50 carbide tipped resaw
blade, which I haven't bothered to fix because I hardly find use for its
tremendous set.

I think more important is set-up and technique; I keep 3-4 (cheap) blades
aside and tagged, with a discard from this lot I set up after using them for
the "boys" to use as they like. This means I have to retune the machine each
time I use it (which means I keep the allen wrenches in my pocket).

I'm getting an extension for the saw, and will be augmenting the blocks with
roller bearings - which will go with the reserved blades.

Thanks, John, for the tips.


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