Haines grand rep springs (again)

Maxpiano@AOL.COM Maxpiano@AOL.COM
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 20:08:08 EST

In a message dated 12/22/99 8:44:23 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
draine@mediaone.net writes:

<< it seemed
 to me that the labor involved in removing all the wippens, fabricating new
 springs, pulling the old ones out & putting the new ones in, would be the
 most cost effective way to go. >>

Patrick -

You were asking if anyone else had run into one of these.  I had a customer 
with one and haven't heard from her in over 15 years.  I tried duplicating 
the broken springs using harpsicord wire but the attempt failed.  The bending 
would have had to be much more accurate than I was able to do.  Since it 
would not repeat without them, I fudged a repair by cutting an upright jack 
spring in half and using it to hold the hammer off the rest rail.  That did 
not work very well.

To the question, if other wippens could be retrofitted, I would doubt it, 
since this is a wippen without a repetition lever - the spring acting 
directly on the (hammer butt?), right next to the jack.  

Bill Maxim, RPT

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