1880's Weber 6'4" SB repl., rescaling

Christopher D. Purdy purdy@oak.cats.ohiou.edu
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 23:26:13 -0400

>Hi, List (Del and Ron there?):
>A few months ago I purchased this very pretty 1880's 6'4" Weber to rebuild.
>I have just estimated a client's identical piano.  Two Webers.  Great
>cabinets, but famous Weber hollow-log sound (yuk).

are these webers the ones with the pinblock mortised into the case sides?
i had a rebuilder send one back to me recently saying thanks but no thanks
and refused to do it.  another i saw about the same time had a new pinblock
but instead of mortising it into the case it had been attached with some
cheap angle iron on each side.  it also had a cracked plate.  i can't say
for sure if the two problems were related...

if you are not familiar with these i would check this out before making any
big soundboard decisions.


-Christopher D. Purdy R.P.T.   School of Music  Ohio University  Athens OH

-purdy@oak.cats.ohiou.edu   (740) 593-1656    fax# (740) 593-1429

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