1880's Weber 6'4" SB repl., rescaling

Mark Dierauf mark@nhpianos.com
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 08:48:21 -0500

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  The local (NH) chapter did a somewhat older Weber concert grand =
several years back. As I recall, there was a single long bolt that went =
down through the outer rim, pinblock, and keybed on both bass & treble =
ends. This bolt was covered by a square (I think) wooden plug on top and =
bottom, and the top plug was under the veneer on the top of the rim. =
None of us could figure out how to get the block out until one of the =
older members just went at the veneer on the top with a chisel and =
uncovered that plug. Look at the bottom of the rim, in way of the front =
legs for evidence of these plugs.

- Mark

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