Off-topic: Parting tunes

Dan Eumurian
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 14:26:39 +0000


"The time has come to leave the list
(Although, you know, you will be missed).
I need some time for catch-up chores,
I'll see you all someday
(If not before)."

Thanks for all the freely given expertise 
and camaraderie. I can be reached by private post
at <>. Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year/Decade/Century/Millennium! Hope 
you enjoy the following ditties. Carry on!


Dan Eumurian, RPT
1634 Barlow St.
(Cold, snowing, and as always, beautiful)
La Crosse, WI, USA

Jingle Keys, fix ‘em please.
Take out all the junk.
Remove the change from the middle range,
And then address the clunk. (Repeat)

A day or two ago, I got a call to tune.
They said, "We’re going mad, so could you please come soon?"
I took out all the keys and found three macaroons,
A silver dime, a two-cent piece,
And forty gold doubloons.


Joy to the house, the tuner’s come
To make the piano play.
He’ll clean and fix and regulate
And tune up all those eighty-eight
We would have thrown away,….

Joy to the church, the tuner’s come.
The choir was out the door.
The pianist was rapping,
The treble strings were snapping.
There were just twenty more,….

Joy to the life, the Tuner’s come.
He knows our tone is poor.
The concert is impending, 
Cacophony’s offending,
So let him in the door,….

Words by Dan Eumurian
Permission granted for non-commercial use.
1634 Barlow St., La Crosse, WI 54601
Tel. (608) 788-8637
E-mail <>

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