Christmas Eve

Richard Brekne
Fri, 24 Dec 1999 13:49:03 +0100

Hi folks

Its early afternoon here on the 24th of December. This is the day all
good Norwegians celebrate Christmas, or "Julen" as they say here. Before
going out to my wifes family for the evening I just wanted to wish you
all the happiest of Christmas's.

We will be eating one of Norways finest specialties tonite. Side of lamb
which has been salted and dried for three or four months, then soaked in
water for a couple days, and finnally cooked in its own broth over birch
pins for several hours. Potatoes, calarabi, several kinds of sausages,
beer and aqua vitæ, lots of good family togetherness and after desert
dancing around the Christmas tree before opening gifts make for the
coziest kind of Christmas one could ever wish for. On Christmas day,
they will all make their way over to our little house for an American
style Christmas dinner, with Turkey and all the fixings.

To each and every one of you.. a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New

God Jul, og Godt Nytt År !

Richard Brekne
I.C.P.T.G.  N.P.T.F.
Bergen, Norway

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