Windex and polyesther

Diane Hofstetter
Fri, 24 Dec 1999 22:08:35 PST

> >...I've not seen any evidence that Windex is  indeed the culprit. Any
> >suggestions / ideas? Thanks.   Roy Ulrich


  Are you sure that the finish is polyester?  I believe that in the early 
days Yamaha and others put a final coat of lacquer over the polyester.  I 
have a customer with a 25 yr. old Yamaha concert grand with a satin finish 
which caused us a lot of grief for years.

  Finally a thorough cleaning with fine steel wool and then polishing with 
Cory All-Bright did the trick (this was a number of years ago).  Now Cory 
has a coconut cleaner that would probably be a lot better than the steel 

  Others are right, Meguires' products are great for polyester.

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