There's viruses, then there's viruses

Tom Dickson
Sat, 25 Dec 1999 10:50:04 PST

Hello to the List!

    I alerted my clients about the "lump of coal" virus about three weeks 
ago.  One of them, who is involved with Info. Tech. assured me that his 
people were convinced it was a hoax.  But it's better to be safe than sorry.

    Another alert, which is supported by research at McAfee is a "worm" 
described below:
  ( and click on the Virus Alert.)

     One of the names that it uses is saddam.exe

     Should you happen to get an e-mail message with the following text, do 
not open the attachment.
   Hypercool Happy New Year 2000 funny programs and animations...
   We attached our recent animation from this site in our mail !
   Check it out !

     The attachment is an .exe file that is named as one of about twelve 
names randomly selected from a table within the program itself. Its known 
action is to propagate itself through Outlook Express & MS's mail server 
program. It has been seen as pirate.exe, and as boss.exe.  It does not 
affect Mac systems.

     So, there's something else to watch out for over the next few days!

     Thanks to all who have helped me through this list in the past year.  I 
am always appreciative of the sharing that happens on this list.  Merry 
Christmas to all, and all the best to you and yours in the New Year!!

                                                    Tom Dickson
                                                 Regina, SK, Canada

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