"killer octave:

Richard Brekne richardb@c2i.net
Sat, 25 Dec 1999 23:21:15 +0100

Grin... as with most of this kinda thing, there really isnt as much aggreement as
perhaps there ought to be. Personnally, I dont find much problems with the so called
killer octave, beyond voicing problems. The tuning of this area seems pretty much
straight forward to me. Tho I have to admit it seems a bit more susceptible to a
particular kind of false beating (?). Real slow and wangy. Voicing this area can be
quite impossible for reasons Ron outlined pretty well, tho I'd like a bit more detail
as to what soundboard design problems cause this, and what can be done about it.

Richard Brekne
I.C.P.T.G.  N.P.T.F.
Bergen, Norway

Phil Bondi wrote:

> Boy..I have to admit that my conception of this 'octave' was all wrong.
> For some reason, I was under the impression that the 'killer octave' lied somewhere
> between C6 and E7, depending on the piano. The reason for the 'extended' range
> is because this is the area of a piano that is the most unstable, hence the
> nickname.
> Thanks to all for making this as clear as mud for me!
> Rook

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