A nice suprise fix

Brian Trout btrout@desupernet.net
Sun, 26 Dec 1999 16:52:07 -0500

Hi Richard,

I would like to thank you for posting this to the list.

It's interesting to see what you've done to an old piano to breathe new life
into it.


You wrote:
... It is used in a home for the
> retarded that has no chance of buying anything else, or even paying for
> repair...

Bravo, my friend.  And on behalf of those that may not even be able to say
"thank-you", Thank you!  It's one thing to do a good deed because we're paid
to do so.  Or because we will receive some return favor.  It's quite another
to do good to those who cannot pay or return favor.  It's this type of
kindness that makes the world a better place.

Best wishes,

Brian Trout
Quarryville, PA

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