
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 18:48:13 EST

I can only speak to the Yamaha P22.  It has a tapered sound board. It is the 
only piano that Yamaha makes that has the taper, like Steinway.  It is louder 
and brighter than some of the others, to fill auditoriums and such.  The 
frame is stronger and reinforced more than the Kawai and has full length ribs 
notched into the liner.  Full perimeter plate and a curved, hand notched, 
bass bridge.  This model has a bass sustain, not a practice pedal.  More wood 
in the action than that of Kawai.  Keybed is over an inch thick and does not 
use the square aluminum frame for the keybed that I often see in a Kawai. The 
Yamaha action should feel more even and smooth to the touch.  They are quite 
different pianos. Have your customer compare and choose the one they feel is 
the better value and best tone.   

Ed Tomlinson

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