Steinway Damper Afterring

Patrick C. Poulson
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 21:32:32 -0800

Greetings All! I hope your holiday season is going well.  I have a problem
with a Steinway B that I would like some input on before I make my final
diagnosis and fix.  The pianist who uses this instrument has recently begun
to complain of a symptom that I was finally able to interpret as afterring,
i.e., the dampers are not cutting off the sound when the keys are released,
particularly in the bass section.  The string follow and pedal adjustments
are all within the usual specs, so it seems that the fault lies with the 20
year old felt.  I've heard much worse afterring which the piano owners were
oblivious to, but this pianist is a very high level classical performer and
is not willing to keep using the instrument until the problem is fixed.  Are
there any other reasons for this afterring that I might be overlooking that
I could check before proceeding with felt replacement? Also, would you
recommend Steinway replacement  felt, or is there better felt available?
Thanks for your time and advice advance, Patrick Poulson, RPT

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