Steinway Damper Afterring

Tue, 28 Dec 1999 13:58:49 EST


First I would check to make sure the dampers are seated properly.  Partials 
can ring if the front or rear portion of the damper seats unevenly. 

I have solved many such problems with new (Yamaha) dampers.  I use Yamaha 
damper felt because it seems to dampen more efficiently.  If you want it to 
look like Steinway felt just don't use the red under felt.  Although the red 
under felt does help the damper work more effectively.  If they are a serious 
player, as you stated, then 20 years is a good time for felt replacement.  
Sometimes just readjusting the damper felt or voicing the dampers can help.  
I have even trimmed dampers for better contact to the strings with great 

Ed Tomlinson

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