Help on repairs!!

Dick Beaton
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 19:38:46 -0700

J Smith...

As pianos get older the hammers settle back into the felt on the rest rail
and eventually get to the point the jack won't get back into position to
repeat. The clue is to check to see that you have a slight "wink" of lost
motion. If not...shim the rest rail up a bit with a piece of thin felt. Hope
this is the answer.  Good luck and Happy New Year!
Dick RPT Montana

----- Original Message -----
From: <JSmith3109@AOL.COM>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 1999 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: Help on repairs!!

> Dear list:
> The piano is a Cable-Nelson Ser.#316422 (1948-49) I have tuned the piano
> about 10 years. Many times they call me about keys that do not work.
> in octaves 4 and 5 (F#-A-4: G-A#-5) The problem: The keys will work
> times, then the jack fails to return under the hammer butt. If you work at
> little it will go back under and then work for several more times (maybe
> 15-20, maybe 2 weeks).I have adjusted the regulating screw, the capstan,
> replaced the jack springs,adjusted the spoon,used Protek on the key,
> re-pinned the flanges, checked the key bushings,but still they refuse to
> as they should. What am I missing? The piano is not abused as it it used
by 3
> girls in the family that are serious about the piano and do a lot of
> practicing. I would like to try something else so that I can leave the
> and feel confident that the keys will work for the kids.

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