Sorry (Off topic)

Susan Kline
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 16:41:32 -0800

At 06:15 PM 12/30/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Being new to the list ( and not having picked up a firesuit yet) I thought it
>only appropriate to apologize for not signing my response to "Appraisal
>help". So here goes:
>     Rod Pierce
>P.S. What is the recommended color for a pianotech list firesuit?

Our purveyor of highest quality flamesuits is Conrad Hoffsommer. He has a 
selection, rated for different temperatures, in many stylish models and a full
range of virtual colors and fabrics.

Get one for every day of the week!

Susan Kline

P.S. I'd better put one on now, having perpetrated a shamelessly OFFTOPIC post. 

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