tuner's responsibility. was Re: Dishonest Dealers

J Patrick Draine draine@mediaone.net
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 09:04:03 -0500

Don Lemoine wrote thusly:
>Hi Roger, The most important factor in a dealers business is there book of
>rules which is the color G R E E N, Every important step after that is just
>Prepping, tunings, warrantee, is done after the piano is delivered, and that
>is given
>to the tuner who gets sucked in on the promise of 300 clients each yr.,
>the new generation dealer has all kinds of tricks up his sleeve, but will
>live to regret
>every one of them, as the word travels fast and NOT BY THE TUNER.
>When the tuner has had enough, he has learned his lesson and well.

The rest of you may not know that Don spent many a year selling Wurlitzer
organs & pianos at the several Wurlitzer Music Stores in the greater Boston
area (and probably other brands in other venues). Back in 1979-1980 I was
the green rookie doing floor tunings as the organ salesmen cranked up the
volume ("Whaddaya need that SOT for, aintcha got ears??!!").
Don's been a self employed piano tech for a long time now, so he's been on
both sides of the fence.
Happy New Year,
Patrick Draine
Billerica, MA

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