Y2K Check

Brian Trout btrout@desupernet.net
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 14:05:53 -0500

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FWIW,  When I go to the Regional Settings / Date window, the top of the =
box has two little windows which indicate that  "When a two digit year =
is entered, interpret as a year between  1930  and 2029", the two years =
being the numbers in the little windows.  The later number can be =
adjusted up or down, and the former will follow maintaining the period =
of time between them.

Perhaps this is different from other versions of Windows.  I'm running =
Windows 98, I'm not sure which version.

Good luck in Y2K!

Brian Trout
Quarryville, PA

  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Clyde Hollinger=20
  To: pianotech@ptg.org=20
  Sent: Friday, December 31, 1999 1:17 PM
  Subject: Re: Y2K Check

  I am about as far away as you can get from being a Y2K or computer =
specialist, which is probably obvious.  Someone else on this list said =
don't worry about it.  I thought it was worth passing on, just in case.  =
Someone else will need to answer your questions.=20

  Delwin D Fandrich wrote:=20

    Uh.  Won't "00" be the abbreviation for the year 2000? Besides, I am =
running MS Windows...how am I supposed to tell if I have a Y2K bug or =
not.  Won't it pretty much be crash and run as usual? Regards, Del =
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Clyde Hollinger
      To: pianotech@ptg.org
      Sent: Friday, December 31, 1999 4:41 AM
      Subject: Re: Y2K Check
        Pianotech friends,=20
        I am sending this message to you because I just got it from a =
relative and believe it may save some of you some big headaches =
tomorrow. When I received this and checked my computers I found they =
both needed to be changed, even though I had them both checked for Y2K =
compatibility many months ago.  I don't know how important this is, but =
I fixed mine and I recommend you check yours.  If you are running =
Windows, this is an easy  fix for a Y2K problem everyone should do, so =
I'm told.=20

        Clyde Hollinger, RPT=20


        1 . Double click on "My Computer".=20

        2. Double click on "Control Panel".=20

        3. Double click on "Regional Settings" icon.=20

        4. Click on the "Date" tab at the top of the page.=20

        5. Where it says, "Short Date Sample", look and see if it shows =
a "two digit" year. It probably does. That's the default setting for =
Windows 95, Windows 98 and NT. This date RIGHT HERE is the date that =
feeds application software and WILL NOT rollover in the year 2000. It =
will roll over to 00.=20

        6. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of "Short Date Style"=20

        7. Select the option mm/dd/yyyy. (Be sure your selection has =
four Y's, not two)=20

        8. Click "OK".=20

        Easy enough to fix. However, every single installation of =
Windows worldwide is defaulted to fail Y2K rollover. Please feel free to =
pass this on to your friends and associates.=20

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