Yamaha C7

Wim en Debby wim.debby@village.uunet.be
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 00:07:15 +0100

Hi all,
Thanks for the response:)) Perhaps its interesting to add some more
information. The instrument is placed in a ... restaurant. Oh yes, the
humidity can be very high. I didn't check out the bass bridge. But the piano
is "hanging" between the first and the second floor. Twisting the strings
will be a dangerous job:)) The owner said to me that it is played
every evening. But normally l suppose that that can not be the problem.
l mentioned that the lowest 4 of 5 strings are still in good condition. But
where the bass goes over to the middle, that is the worst part of all. The
strings sound if they are damped like there is cloth laying on them. l hope
this clears things a bit up.
Thanks a lot:))

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