
David M. Porritt dporritt@swbell.net
Tue, 02 Nov 1999 16:32:57 -0600


While "pounding" on pianos, the pain (discomfort?) you feel, or the weird
sounds generated in your ears is a result of the stapiedial reflex in the
ear.  The muscles around the auditory canal are trying to protect your ear
from loud noises.  During a complete audiological test, they will measure
to see at what volume this reflex occurs.  It's usually 85 db or higher.
This is your body telling you "it's too loud!"  This is the best part of
using the musicians ear plugs.  All sound is kept below the stapiedial
reflex trigger point.  You hear the sound better before it dies away.

I'm not an audiologist, I just keep mine handy.  I'm too old to learn
another profession.  Calculate the cost of these hearing protectors as a
percentage of your annual income if your calculator will generate that
small a number.


David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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