hide glue

Jon Page jpage@capecod.net
Fri, 05 Nov 1999 12:11:41 -0500

Place the crystals in a small jar and add water to cover
and set the jar in a water bath in the glue pot (this will
reduce clean up).

Add water to desired consistency.


Jon Page

At 09:43 AM 11/05/1999 -0600, you wrote:
>At 08:11 11/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>Help!  I have been a convert to hot hide glue for about a year and need to
>make a new batch.  I have lost the formula.  Can someone tell me how much
>water to how much glue crystals?  Thanks.
>>Paul McMillin, RPT
>>Carlisle, PA 
>I lost the instructions, too.
>This may sound flip, but ... enough water to make the consistancy you want!
>I make mine in a gluepot and initially put in enough water to more than
>cover the crystals. (If I put in an inch of crystals, I put in 1 1/4"or so
>of water)  Wait an hour for the water to be completely absorbed, then heat
>it up.  
>I make different size batches depending on the job, so a hard and fast
>recipe never worked for me.
>When fully warmed you'll know if it is jello or tea.  Then add water to
>taste, or let it evaporate to the syrup you like, or start using it.
>Keep it covered while in use, and constantly monitor/adjust consistancy.
>[Taste testing not advised.]
>Maybe someone else has a recipe down to gram weights of the ingredients??
>Conrad Hoffsommer - Music Technician   mailto:hoffsoco@luther.edu
>Luther College                         (319)-387-1204
>Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045
>"Far too noisy, my dear Mozart.  Far too many notes." Emperor Ferdinand
Jon Page,  Harwich Port,  Cape Cod,  Mass.  mailto:jpage@capecod.net

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