US Patent 59111617 - Piano Escapement Action

Thu, 11 Nov 1999 11:52:03 -0200

Thanks, Stephen, for the info.

What are the implications of this? I find the outline of the patent fairly
convincing, though I haven't modelled it physically or on computer yet - nor is the
Broadwood action ready to reinstall.

My feeling _was_ that it wasn't plagiarized, and my own semi-plagiaristic bent has
been toward Edwin Brown's action (a repetition check is built-in in reverse in its
developed form) rather than the Herz/Erard model so I wouldn't even be inclined to
use this feature since/if it is in the public domain.

So perhaps it just was to the scholarship (sic) of my research that Horace was

Would there be a means of contacting Mr. Jones on this topic?


Clark Panaccione

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