MAGLITE Fiberoptic pinblock inspection

BSimon999@AOL.COM BSimon999@AOL.COM
Sun, 21 Nov 1999 21:52:04 EST

John Fortiner wrote:

<<if you want even MORE light - go to Radio Shack and purchase their Krypton 
bulb that fits the minimag lights.  It is a little battery hungry, but it 
sure puts out the light - a lot better than the bulbs that come with the 
minimag light.  Price - seems to me about 2.99 for one but it basically 
supercharged the light output.   ( Part # 272-1150 ) The standard bipin bulb 
draws 300mA at 2.5V, the Krypton bipin bulb draws 430mA at 2.5V>>

I did.  WOW! 

Anyone on this list with the minimag flashlight HAS to try this. The output 
with two new alkaline batteries practically blinds you compared to the output 
of the regular bulb,  and about doubles the usefulness of the flashlight.  I 
love it and will buy the bulbs and batteries as needed. 

THANKS very much for the tip John.

Bill Simon

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