Kent Webb's address

Avery Todd
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 19:31:51 -0600

Hi Mark,

    From a previous post someone made:

 >From various sources:

Kent Webb -

The "you pay for the call" number would be 1(513)576-4633.
Baldwin's number is 1-800-876-2976 ext. 8585
There is a phone tree system that I have found a shortcut through.
You can hit the 8585 extension for tech service, but this usually
gets you a recording. Alternately, you can press 2 and then 1 to
access the Acoustic Parts and Service area. Usually I get a hold of
Betty Davison, who is a doll. Info on Kent's whereabouts can be
gotten from her. Kent's direct extension (4633) usually punts you
into his voice mail.

At 05:50 PM 11/23/99 -0500, wrote:
>Does anyone have Kent's email address handy?  I have a church with a 1 yr
>old 7' Baldwin with bass strings breaking.  The retailer has replaced  4
>so far, but 3 more broke in the last month.  All break during
>performance.  The tech for the retailer now has the opinion that because
>the piano is not sitting perfectly level ( there is a discernible
>"tilt"), the bass strings are under increased tension, causing early
>demise.  This sounds corny to me, but I would like to check with Kent to
>see if there has been a problem with the scaling of the bass in this
>series of Baldwins.
>Mark Potter

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