Sustain pedal plastic - final result!

Thu, 14 Oct 1999 16:09:03 -0400

Couldn't resist this one either...

At 11:15 AM 10/14/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I have finally seen the piano and broken part, and incredibly - the part that 
>broke was a nylon pedal prop bolt!

* Of all the possibilities mentioned, I would have never guessed a prop bolt.

>I have never seen a metal one  fail.

I've had many fail, all metal (so far) and regardless of brand name --
usually where the bolt goes through the pedal.

>On the other hand, the nylon bolt did break at the point where a stray bubble 
>was entrapped, an obvious moulding defect that effectively reduced the 
>diameter of the bolt. Perhaps this is the only plastic pedal prop bolt that 
>will ever break! I will save it for a museum.  

* Bubble or not, it won't be the last time.

Jim Harvey, RPT
Greenwood, SC
 -- someone who's been in the field too long.

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