HT files in the Library

Sun, 20 Aug 2000 19:02:48 -0100

Hello, Ric and Robert,

I just worked out a quick and dirty little spreadsheet I think that will
generate cents figures from Jorgensen's aural instructions in "Tuning".
It runs off Excel 7.0a, and I've only tested it for Ch.38: Tuning WT
using Falkener's rules (the page to which the tome opened). An outline
follows below, also which I'd include with the file if I can upload it
(it's up now at Michel's xdrive account).

I don't have Visual Basic, but this could be scripted for sequential
data input, and set to generate a bare text file for ETD's. So instead
this is manual. Also it could be set to graph fifth and third sizes,
harmonic complexity of keys, etc.

So does anyone have any ideas of reversing this process? Starting from
raw pitch data to generate an elegant aural sequence, with checks, etc.
- I can do this graphically, but can't get Excel to keep track
automatically. Oh well.



The premise is that un-adjusted beat rates can be used to calculate
frequencies using the following formula:



f(2)=freq. of the note being tuned
f(1)=freq. of the reference note
n=numerator of the corresponding Just interval
d=denominator of the corresponding Just interval
br=signed beat rate, denoting sharp or flat of just

Cents values are simply


f=freq. of note
ref=chosen reference pitch, for instance 440hz

Their signed offsets from 12tET are


where the [round] operator simplifies the note's cents value to the
nearest 100 cents.

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