Steinway square

Michael Malone
Sun, 13 Feb 2000 18:10:06 -0500

Wow... what is there about the square grands that made people burn two
stories high of them in NY to show their worthlessness.... and the stigma
still stays with them.  It's Funny, but, NO piano ever has had the classic
look as a square grand.  I notice on eBay a LOT of them are for sale in CA.
I won't pay the 350 shipping charges.  Today's grands from 5 ft to 9 ft look
to be an assembly of clones.  I'm selling a pool table on eBay to free up my
billiards room to expand it and make a music room out of it.  The 9 footer
I'm going to put in there will at least have to have some hand craftsmanship
as carving on it.  Well after all of this chat I should say simply that I've
never played a square grand and if I did maybe I wouldn't have exercised my
finger for the past 3 minutes :-))))  as usual I'm

Michael in Orlando

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