Cleaning primary valves

Ron Nossaman
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 08:58:24 -0600

>    Now if the leather facing is deterioated, how the heck does one
>dissassemble these valves?  I will post to MMD if my primary well of info
>comes up dry.  ; )   ---ric

It is, as are all the others. It's pretty obvious how to get the valves
out, so I won't bore you with that. Disassembly requires pulling off (from
the shaft) the press fit collar that the outer valve disk rests on, and the
collar that holds the inner disk in place. Leave the third collar on the
shaft. clean all the parts. Replace valve leathers, inner and outer, and
the little seals at the collars, swedge the hole a little smaller in the
collars so they will grip the shaft again, and reassemble the valve like it
was, sealing the inner seat to the chest. It's a long hard day's work, or
more. There's no magic elixir of whiz bang trick. It's just a matter of
crunching the process and paying attention to the details.

Welcome to Hell.

Ron N

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