lesson learned

Diane Hofstetter dianepianotuner@hotmail.com
Thu, 29 Jun 2000 22:32:52 PDT


  A lesson I learned was to _not ever_ ask a kid to evaluate your work.  
When they are put on the spot, they don't know what to say and usually end 
up saying something is wrong simply to get the ball out of their court.

  A way you could have put it to the lady was to say that the piano really 
needs to be tuned more frequently than they have been doing. And usually 
after making such a big difference to bring the piano up to correct concert 
pitch, it will need to be tuned again in three (fill in the length of time) 
months.  After that it would only need to be tuned every ------ blah, blah, 
blah......  Then her children would have the best chance for success, blah, 
blah, blah.......

You said;

>today, and this guy was a jerk. He had the kid bang on two notes, maybe
three, and said they were horrible.  No, frankly, they weren't.  I had
told the wife that some notes would probably slip, because it hadn't been
tuned in a year and half,

You suggested to her that she should look for a problem so she did.  She 
doesn't want to look for problems, she wants to have things handled.

See you in DC!
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