Tight Tuning Pins

Dave Doremus algiers_piano@bellsouth.net
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 21:34:28 -0500

At 3:10 PM -0700 6/30/01, larudee@pacbell.net wrote:
>  I slipped the coils off each pin, turned it in one full
>turn, out three, back two, put the coil back on and pulled to 
>tension.  Ended up
>with torque at 75-90 inch/pounds, some as low as 70 and some over 100.

I did exactly the same thing on a Steinway M used as a concert 
instrument at a church, mostly for vocal accompaniment, the pins were 
not only tight but jumpy as well, The lower torque did not cure the 
jumpiness bit it made it a lot easier to deal with. Only took me 
about 8 hours plus one follow up tuning. It has held nicely since 
last summer and is still easy to tune, no recidivism...

Dave Doremus RPT
New Orleans

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