Hammers clacking!

jolly roger baldyam@sk.sympatico.ca
Mon, 02 Jul 2001 21:00:19 -0500

At 02:34 PM 7/2/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Re: Kawai console # M1541410  Model 706-1(I?)
>The hammers starting in the bass section and all the way to the
>mid-tenor, make a clacking noise very much like what you hear when
>bedding a key, but not as loud.  It is very uniform but diminishing as
>it approaches the high tenor and sounds normal in the treble. Normal to
>me is a soft thumping sound.   Again, the sound occurs when the hammer
>strikes the string on a hard blow (as when tuning).

Hi Warren,
                 Is there too much after touch and the jack is clacking
against the let off button rail?  Or the let off rail is loose.
The key slip has been pushed in, and the keys are knocking.  Loose nose
bolts.  Loose front rail.  Loose centre pinning can give the same effects.
An obscure fault.  Front pins knocking inside the mortice.  This is usually
accompanied by sluggish response. 
Is the piano well regulated?
Regards Roger

>Warren Fisher RPT                   Beginners & Lurkers
>fish@Communique.net                 Basic Pianotech discussed
>1422 Briarwood Dr.                  Ask any question.
>Slidell, LA 70458-3102              fish@gs.verio.net

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