Durable bushings (was PVC-E)

Iñaki Coello coello@pianored.com
Tue, 3 Jul 2001 10:06:09 -0700

I change Kashmir felt from the bushings: the good quality leather choosing the addequate thickness works amazing here and the result is more durable than kashmir felt (bushing cloth).
The techniques of installing the leather  are the same than the bushing cloth ones, but the time to rebush all the piano is greater.
Good luck.
Iñaki Coello Gómez

>Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 07:08:22 -0500
> "David M. Porritt" <dporritt@swbell.net> Re: PVC-E pianotech@ptg.orgReply-To: pianotech@ptg.org
>16 hours a day of Liszt et al.  Practice room grands need bushings every
>year!  I have to restring the top two sections every 3 to 4 years.  These
>pianos get terribly hard use by very serious students.

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