CA glue BURNS!

Wed, 4 Jul 2001 09:08:18 EDT

OUCH!  I have used CA glue in many situations---gluing ivories back on, 
tightening a loose tuning pin, etc.  Yesterday, my daughter asked me to glue 
her necklace back together for her.  So we went down to my shop and I applied 
the CA glue to one end and wet the other end with saliva.  As I held the two 
ends together, I was aware that some glue had gotten on my finger, and just 
as I was shifting my grip to get that finger off the necklace before it got 
glued to it, I felt a burning sensation.  And I don't mean a slight burning 
sensation.  OUCH!  Just as this was happening my daughter said "It looks like 
that burnt you."  I asked her how she knew, and she told me she could see the 

I wasn't aware that CA glue could burn.  I know I've gotten it on my fingers 
before and never felt a burning sensation, so why did it burn this time?  Was 
it because the glue on my finger came into contact with the saliva?

Tom Sivak
Chicago PTG Associate

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