Factory muted duplex

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Fri, 06 Jul 2001 14:00:25 -0500

>Yamaha grands have string braid (felt, not cotton) muting out more than
half of
>the lowest duplex section.  Some other manufacturers also do this to a greater
>or lesser degree.  Does anyone know why?  I mean if you're going to have the
>aliquot bridge, why mute it out?  Or if you're going to mute it out, why have
>the bridge?
>Paul Larudee

The aliquot bar is to provide a positive and relatively easily modified
height stop when setting bearing, to provide something very shiny for
prospective customers and sales staff to gaze upon, and to augment the
sounds the piano makes by making a few of it's own with the back scale.

The braid is to provide a brightly colored accent to the shiny aliquot bar
for prospective customers and sales staff to gaze upon, and to get the back
scale to shut the heck up when the reality of the produced noises proved
not to be the enhancement of the intended noises and instead drew the
attention of the prospective customers and sales staff away from the very
shiny aliquot bar.

I think that about covers it.

Ron N

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