humidity control in homes

J Patrick Draine
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 06:54:34 -0400

>  > It is simply nearly impossible in most areas to control a house to within
>>  5% humidiy year round.
>I should think most properly designed, sized, and installed residential-type
>whole house humidity control systems could keep humidity within 10% or so of
>a targeted RH. I would love to have that in my home.

Terry, I think you're just a bit Florida-centric in this statement. 
It's just not possible ($$) in the northeast without an extremely 
expensive system, which you will seldom find up here (too much money 
is already being spent by residents to keep their houses heated, 
while you guys are worried about turning up the AC at the same time 
of year).

Damp & rainy in Massachusetts,
Patrick Draine

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