Fw: New and improved Steinway parts.Like Em

Erwinpiano Erwinpiano@email.msn.com
Sun, 8 Jul 2001 11:53:12 -0700

 Hey Rodger

   Having installed just about every body's Stwy parts and ,many of some,
frustration has led me to use about a dozen sets so far of the new improved
factory made wippens. I have had to do considerable amounts of traveling on
some sets( an hour or more) but the trade off is that it is a virtual
replication of the older style wippen.(pre- 1984 I think) It seems to have
similar spring sizes so adjusting tension is good ,not a great struggle. The
weight is in the 18 to 19 gram range which is as light as the old original
ones.  Yes! The new ones are also made of maple(yeah).  If you will install
one side by side to an old one and regulate that note  the reg button ends
up about the same place as does the drop screw( not to low/high ). The
capstan is I think ever so slightly higher. This ,as far as I've been able
to determine ,is due to the wippen body height being slightly (ever so
slightly) shorter. Any net result of this would be better acceleration.( o
to 60 in whatever)
  By the way the factory provided Renner wippen is also a great part,
matches the new improved (would use them in a second and have) .It has the
angled wippen heel and one peice body and no separate glued on heel too.
The springs are a bit different but fine. The weight as on all Renner
wippens is in the 20 to 21.5 gram range which can be a consideration( more
weight in the system)  Unfortunately you can not buy that particular  Renner
wippen from Renner U.S.A.which is a huge disappointment to me.  The cost of
factory parts is higher but the frustration of trying to regulate parts that
don't really match is WAY worse to me. I've tried ( Been there done that.)

   I am very pleased with the results of the wippens but have not used the
shanks as the Renner parts ( to me) from Renner U.s.a. or the factory
supplied runners are so consistent,reliable and geometrically sound.  So I'm
using a combination of parts and 80% of the time it is the 16 mm
(Renner)knuckle placement. The actions weigh off well and feel very much
like the old actions when they were right.

Hope that helps-see you in Reno

   Dale Erwin

----- Original Message -----
From: "jolly roger" <baldyam@sk.sympatico.ca>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 12:37 AM
Subject: New and improved Steinway parts.

> Any feed back on the new and improved steinway parts would be greatly
> appreciated.
> regards Roger

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