ear candles

Eliot Lee eliotlee1@home.com
Sun, 08 Jul 2001 21:11:58 -0700

on 7/8/01 3:17 PM, philromano@attglobal.net at philromano@attglobal.net

> Jeannie,
> Most of the reading I've done on the subject has deemed "ear candles" to be
> largely a placebo effect and in some cases a snake oil type of treatment.
> I'd be happy to be proved wrong though. What are your experiences?
> Phil Romano
> Myrtle Beach, SC
> ----- Origihe nal Message -----
> From: "Jeannie Grassi" <jgrassi@silverlink.net>
> To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
> Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 10:53 PM
> Subject: RE: My Hearing Condition ,Please read this
>> Hi Terry,
>> A very gentle, yet effective way is with an ear candle.  But you can't do
> it
>> to yourself.  My massage therapist offers it as one of her services.
> Others
>> do as well.  It is not as invasive as flushing out the ear, the way a
> doctor
>> might do it.  I want to be as gentle and careful as I can with my ears.
> No
>> one will be flushing out my ears!
>> jeannie
Hello PHIL,

    Ear Candles are actually wax and cotton cones that you light and as the
burn the take smoke into the ear. The are the rage with new ages stores.   I
have had it done on my ears about 3 or 4 times, what we really notices was
that candida which they claimed comes from my ears.  I am a vegetarian, so
it is highly likely that my yeast is higher than normal, but I didn't really
hear any better afterwards. It does feel very nice to have it done, and I
did feel less congested.

    I even tried making them when I was a bee-keeper, they are quite
expensive and sell very well.

    There is no harm in doing it unless some idiot lets the hot wax go into
the ear, but if the angle is less than 30 degrees it shouldn't be a problem.
If someone has tinnitus, I don't see what the harm would be.  They come
mixed with a variety of herbs which have specific effects the sellers claim.
That is relative to the honesty of the manufacturer.

Eliot Lee

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