Jacks on Everett Console ala Pasta

Tom Cole tcole@cruzio.com
Sun, 08 Jul 2001 22:28:59 -0700

SooperTooner@AOL.COM wrote:
> I'll "cook something up" similar to my previous repair to a Betsy Ross
> spinet
> using Rigatoni. I'll keep you posted. I'm thinking Ziti might be the
> correct
> size here.
> Douglas Vitreous


It is obvious that you've been hittin' the sauce (and I don't mean
marinara). Ziti are curved and would not be advisable for jacks. This is
where I would use the rigatoni repair - just boil for three minutes,
enough to soften, and slide into place with a little fast-setting cheese
sauce. Serves 88.

Best regards and bon appetite!

Al Dente

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