Key ratio/knuckle relationship

BobDavis88@AOL.COM BobDavis88@AOL.COM
Tue, 10 Jul 2001 10:40:29 EDT

In a message dated 07/09/2001 8:42:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> The larger arc scribed by the capstan with a KR of .55 is compensated for 
> the smaller arc scribed by the 17mm knuckle and vice versa.  Well now, 
> the opportunity to make a choice by moving the balance rail, I'm wondering 
> there is a benefit to one over the other.
At least one I can think of - the shorter the knuckle placement, the more 
sensitive it is to MISplacement. Tiny errors are a greater leverage change 
than on the longer placement.
Bob Davis

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