EBVT Broadcast on Live Radio 7/14

Billbrpt@AOL.COM Billbrpt@AOL.COM
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 19:28:06 EDT

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For those of you who are interested and able to tune in and find the 
broadcast, The "What do ya Know? Show" which usually broadcasts live at 10 AM 
CST will do so tomorrow at the regular time.  In some areas, this show is on 
tape delay and may be broadcast on an FM channel.  The original broadcast is 
on Public Radio International, an AM public Radio channel.  It is mostly a 
talk radio station.

The "What do ya Know? Show" is a quick paced, comedy, variety and quiz show 
whose host is the quick, witty, and sometimes sardonic humorist, Michael 
Feldman, the radio equivalent of Groucho Marx.  The show is very entertaining 
and features a Jazz trio which plays incidental music and interludes.  The 
pianist is Madison's own John Thulin.

The piano is a Kawai R-O 5'7" Grand.  The usual technician is Mr. Daniel P. 
Eberhardy RPT who is presently at the PTG Convention in Reno.  He usually 
tunes the piano in a mild, Well-Tempered Tuning.  Since he is away, I was 
asked to substitute for him. It was tuned in the EBVT with tempered octaves 
this morning.  A custom, aural tuning, the kind I would present if I were at 
the Convention was put on it.

It is my understanding that the show is broadcast all over the US, Canada and 
Europe.  I hope as many of you as are able will be able to find it and hear 
for yourselves the difference a mild, cycle of 5ths based temperament with 
octaves that use the piano's own inharmonicity to ease the harshness of the 
Pythagorean Comma can make.

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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