Need explanation of terms

Joe & Penny Goss
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 13:34:10 -0600

Burning in, refers to the use in the past of an achahol lamp to heat and
bend the shank so that the hammer, if leaning to the side, can be moved into
the correct position.
Rendering in this usage means that the string moves across the bearing point
. It must move not just stretch over the bearing pointS.
Raking the hammer,  to me is not quit what is ment in its usage but
the hammer and shank kind of form the shape of a garden rake so perhaps this
is where the term developed.
The shape of the angle the hammer meets the string at a 90%  angle (strike
point) while the shank might be at  more ( seldom ) or less than 90% to the
molding of the hammer.
Joe Goss
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gordon Holley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 12:02 PM
Subject: Need explanation of terms

> Hello List.  Over the past months, while reading the posts and exchanges
> the list, I've encountered three terms used in the authors dialog.  I've
> read through two books 1) Piano Servicing Tuning & Rebuilding, by Arthur
> Reblitz, and The Technical Examination, Source Book - PTG, and cannot find
> any explanation on the three terms.  Will somebody assist in my search:
> 1. "Burning In" - used in the explanation of hammers and the shank area.
> 2.  "Get The String To Render" - I know what render means, but what does
> the term render mead in this usage?
> 3.  "Raking The Hammers" . - Sure don't understand this one.
> Thanks in advance for the help.
> Gordon Holley
> Goshen, IN

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