post-reno health: how's yours?

Joe & Penny Goss
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 12:02:59 -0600

Hi Tom,
After the first two days of the convention, with the air conditioner on in
the room going, and starting to get hoarse, my roommate turned off the unit,
and breathing seemed a lot better.
Just walking through the casino with people smoking was not good either.
Turning off the unit helped, but being home has solved the issue.
Joe Goss
----- Original Message -----
From: <Tvak@AOL.COM>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 10:38 AM
Subject: post-reno health: how's yours?

> I've had a fever of 102 degrees since arriving home from Reno.  I finally
> went to the doctor today.  I described the symptoms to her: fever and a
> that just started yesterday.  She asked me if I had been around any people
> who were sick.  I told her no, but that I had just attended a convention
> Reno where I had come into contact with alot of people.  To my surprise,
> said, "You were in Nevada?  I'll bet you have pneumonia!"  So they gave me
> chest x-ray and sure enough, I have a very slight case of pneumonia.  My
> doctor claims everyone who goes to Nevada comes back with respiratory
> problems.  She theorizes it's the filtered air in the hotels.
> So, I'm wondering...anybody else have any health problems since returning
> from Reno?
> Tom Sivak
> Chicago

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