post-reno health: how's yours?

Jeannie Grassi
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 19:34:25 -0700

Sorry to hear of the souvenir you brought back from Reno.  I'm usually very
sensitive to "bad air", especially cigarette smoke, but this year I seemed
to suffer no ill health from it.  I didn't even get my usual sinus
infection.  Although, I could smell the smoke in my "smoke free" room, at
night through the ventilation system.  It sure makes me appreciate our smoke
free laws here in the Seattle area.  Hope you're feeling better soon.


-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 9:39 AM
Subject: post-reno health: how's yours?

I've had a fever of 102 degrees since arriving home from Reno.  I finally
went to the doctor today.  I described the symptoms to her: fever and a
that just started yesterday.  She asked me if I had been around any people
who were sick.  I told her no, but that I had just attended a convention in
Reno where I had come into contact with alot of people.  To my surprise, she
said, "You were in Nevada?  I'll bet you have pneumonia!"  So they gave me a
chest x-ray and sure enough, I have a very slight case of pneumonia.  My
doctor claims everyone who goes to Nevada comes back with respiratory
problems.  She theorizes it's the filtered air in the hotels.

So, I'm wondering...anybody else have any health problems since returning
from Reno?

Tom Sivak

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